大猪挖宝藏《Big Pig on a Dig》
今天分享的绘本,名字叫《Big Pig on a Dig》,有一天有一只小胖猪收到一封信,里面有帽子和地图,胖猫告诉他那是藏宝图,于是小猪就去挖宝啦!快来看看小猪发现了什么吧!
Big Pig gets a letter.The letter says--Look for this hat.
Big Pig sees the hat. There is a map in the hat.
Big Pig runs to Fat Cat.
"Fat Cat! Look at the map in this hat.""It shows where to dig, Fat Cat."
“Fat Cat!Look at the map in this hat.”“IT shows where to gig,Fat Cat.”
"Where to dig? Dig for what,Big Pig?""Gold!" grunts Big Pig,"Old gold."
"But I am a cat. Cats need to nap.I am a napping cat.""You dig,Big Pig. Be a pig on a dig."
"Let me nap and dream of cream."
Big Pig sees three green trees.Big Pig sees three green trees on the map.
Big Pig is happy. He pops on a wig.
Big Pig is happy. He hops on a twig. He can go on a dig!
"I am a happy big pig on a dig."
"I dig down and down and down..."
"I dig down and down and down..."
What has Big Pig found down in the ground?
It's Funny Bunny."There is no old gold here."
It's Funny Bunny."There is no old gold here." Fat Cat grins.
"I drew the map for fun," she says.
Big Pig grins,"Digging is fun,too!"