

Spring is green.

Spring is red.

The sun is red.

Spring is warm.

Spring breeze is warm.

Spring is bright.

The sun is bright.

In spring , the world is reviving.

All the animals are reviving.

Spring is happy.

Children are playing games in the playground.

They are happy.

I like spring.


In spring, it is very beautiful.

It’s sunny, rainy, warm and wet.

In the park, I can see flowers, grass and trees.

The flowers are beautiful and colourful.

The grass is small and green.

The trees are big.

They are green and brown.

The plants grow and grow in spring.

In the park, there is a small shop.

We can buy some drinks and snacks in it.

In the park, we can fly kites, play games and sing the songs.

We are very happy.


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